The self imposed giant of Africa is an enigma. She ranks as the prime but her citizens are simply unattended to. Since 1960, She has contributed blood and cash to the African agenda but has left her future wasting. She prances as African's prime.
Whose home would be on fire while She/ He goes chasing rodents? The present generation of leaders have questionable mindsets and allegiances. At best they are less concerned, at worst they are cruel. I fear if the next generation of Nigerians have not already internalized the agenda of the present generation. To be fair to all, it would be unfair to hold the present leaders responsible for all the anomaly in this amalgam. The past leader also paved the way. They were short-sighted. They should have put in place verifiable and achievable long term projects for the next generation. Elspeth Huxley commenting on Africa hinted that "Africa is a cruel country, it takes your heart and grinds it into powdered stone and on one minds". Let me localize that concept "Nigeria is a cruel country, it takes your heart and grinds it into powdered stone and on one minds"
Since on one minds, the future leaders of Nigeria is driven by the will to survive. They get desperate and restive, some get criminalized and others rot in detention awaiting trial. Why is the LAW coming into play when the generation next rises to take action? Could it be the "less concerned" value orderliness or their positions are threatened? Time would tell.
Besides, the present democratic experiment that began in 1999 has produced gladiators that called the shots but they faded away even the prime citizen have voluntarily thrown in the towel after feasting on the next generation. My fear is that the next generation might be compromised before the towel throwers throws in the towel.
In conclusion, let remember the biblical injunction that stipulates that " in good and bad, praise the lord". I praise the Lord that the past leaders did not remember that another generation is on it's way. I praise the Lord that the present leaders are not getting it right. I praise the Lord that the next generation is seeing the present leaders fail. I also praise the Lord that most religious are getting political. God bless Nigeria.
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