Thursday, June 28, 2012

information marketing

                         <!-- Begin BidVertiser code -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<noscript><a href="">internet advertising</a></noscript>
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This is a direct way to make cool money with minimum stress. Sale information and make money! HOW? The things you know that other people would like to know… you sale them. Information is knowledge your  know, package this knowledge for sale.
    Let me explain further, information can be packaged in CD, DVD, Bonded paper (A4)  ,  softcopy  and sold. A merit of information marketing is that it is cheap. Note information is not cheap but the marketing is cheap.
     Moreover, let’s go practical. You have an   information on how to cook EGUSI stew. Write down the procedure step by step then typeset it and save it in a folder called EGUW. Every newspaper has a state office. Ask and you would find out the nearest office to where you leave. Go into the office. Tell the staff there that you want to do a CLASSIFIED advert for your product. You need your phone number, your bank account number, your e-mail address and your products name. Draft a simple advert like

       They format above is just to give you an idea of what is needed. Remember you would be billed per world when you do classified advert thus mind your language. You should insist customers   supply their email address so that you save cost by ATTACH and SEND through email. On the alternative, charge extra cash for courier service. Your phone should be on always so that you do not miss any customer!
       Simple business right?  Just keep about five thousand for  the classified advert. Please write on very relevant issue so that your patronage would encourage you to continue this business.

turning ability into cash

                          TURNING ABILITY INTO CASH
    We are born with abilities that we can develop into fruition. The problem is that we bury these abilities and never consider developing them. These buried abilities could have been developed and sold.
      Note,  we only sale goods and services. When we develop our abilities, they come marketable. The likelihood to market an ability is dependent on how developed it is. The more it is developed the higher the market price and vice versa. Your potential shows as a special interest (lets say) football. If you take your time to develop it, you might become- a professional football, a coach, a referee, or a member of a football federation.  Just develop it.
       Besides, the last sentence opened up a vista. If you start young to develop your potential you become the footballer. When you advance in age and experience you become a coach or a member of a football federation. You notice that the concept of the earier the better comes into play when you are developing you abilities on planet Earth.
       In addition, our abilities are God given talents planted in us to make us better persons. Humans differ so does our abilities. Take time off   to study those things you enjoy doing. Then try linking then to a need you can fulfill in your community for a start. Make a conscious effort to translate your abilities to physical cash by  solving an identified problem. Problems are infinite so are ideas for solving them. Thus channel your ability to providing   an ideal to solve a problem and you would have to be paid for the service.
      Furthermore, study yourself   thoroughly because what works for “A” would not work for “B”. Back to history class, imagine Myke Tyson in the football field or Maradona in the boxing ring. Imagine Micheal Jordan in the Golf course or Tiger Woods inside a basketball pitch. Study yourself and you find your strength!   You have got my point  now.
       Most important, visualize yourself doing what you will do when the cash comes. Your abilities will bring the cash it is a question of time. You know the mustard tree? It’s seed is the ability and the tree is the developed ability. Turn that ability of your’s into cash.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The pre conditions for entrepreneurship

The world is awash with entreprenuers and we have noticed that 9 to 5 kind of jobs is not the route to financial freedom. You can do a 9 to 5 kind of job, retire honouably but i promise you your financial base is nothing compared to the that of an entrepreneur who ventured to start something something for themselves.
   Entrepreneurship is a systematic approach used to identify, bring to life and nourish to fruition of an ideal or oppournity. Entrepreneurs perceive potentials and build on them by directing his or her resources to achieve pre-determined goals. The human resource is of importance because it is in born in all. It manifest as talents and deep seated aspirations. The material resource is secondary.
    The featuers of Entrepreneurs are numerous but lefts nose dive into it. Entrepreneurs have a high level of business consciousness. They can discern between assets and liabilities. They can see business potentials  when they get close to one. Their eyes and mind can see potentials even when clothed in failures. In addition, they are ready ti indulge in moderate calculated risks because they do a through base line study of their potential business ideal. These base line studies give them a clear picture if the target market, the dos and don'ts  the requirements and the legal impediments.They make sound business judgement before they dive into any business venture.
     Entrepreneurs are dynamic and hard working. They do not dive into business because it is in vogue or it has made their next door friend millionaires. They nourish their idea with creative innovations thus making it unique. They have superb abilities in allocating time, resources and task.
     Remember, Entrepreneurs do not dive into business ventures. Like I said above, the world is awash with entrepreneurs. Subsequently, study yourself before you throw in yor material into any venture if not you would close shop few months after.
     In conclusion, engage professional to do the base line studies and visit a solicitor and you would know the legal angel of your proposed business venture.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

the Lamentations of the Next Generation

    The self imposed giant of Africa is an enigma. She ranks as the prime but her citizens are simply unattended to. Since 1960, She has  contributed blood and cash  to the African agenda but has left her future wasting. She prances as African's prime.
   Whose home would be on fire while She/ He goes chasing rodents? The present generation of leaders have questionable mindsets and allegiances. At best they are less concerned, at worst they are cruel. I fear if the next generation of Nigerians have not already internalized the agenda of the present generation. To be fair to all, it would be unfair to hold the present leaders responsible for all the anomaly in this amalgam. The past leader also paved the way. They were short-sighted. They should have put in place verifiable and achievable long term projects for the next generation. Elspeth Huxley commenting on Africa hinted that "Africa is a cruel country, it takes your heart and grinds it into powdered stone and on one minds". Let me localize that concept "Nigeria is a cruel country, it takes your heart and grinds it into powdered stone and on one minds"
     Since on one minds, the future leaders of Nigeria is driven by the will to survive. They get desperate and restive, some get criminalized and others rot in detention awaiting trial. Why is the LAW coming into play when the generation next rises to take action? Could it be the "less concerned" value orderliness or their positions are threatened? Time would tell.
    Besides, the present democratic experiment that began in 1999 has produced gladiators that called the shots but they faded away even the prime citizen  have voluntarily thrown in the towel  after feasting on the next generation. My fear is that the next generation might be compromised before the towel throwers throws in the towel.
     In conclusion, let remember the biblical injunction that stipulates that " in good and bad, praise the lord". I praise the Lord  that the past leaders did not remember that another generation is on it's way. I praise the Lord that the present leaders are not getting it right. I praise the Lord that the next generation is seeing the present leaders fail. I also praise the Lord that most religious are getting political. God bless Nigeria.